Conserve water! Is something you hear constantly, when you live in the desert. But who ever said being GREEN had to be boring. At Green Planet Landscaping we hate boring and normal. We refuse to conform with status quo. We utilize this mentality while creating a conservative, watersmart landscaping in your yard. One that not only saves water, but is easy to maintain and looks great!
While planting indigenous foliage that matches the desert environment of southern Nevada – our creative application of art and science enables us to provide you with water-smart features that are attractive and easily blend into your natural landscape effortlessly.

Desert Plants
The main reason for a Xeriscape design is water conservation. The expert designers at Green Planet Landscaping no this better than most and utilize their experience and knowledge to limit the amount of water your yard needs to thrive. One of the ways we do that is with desert plants. If you love cacti, succulents, desert trees, shrubs, and grasses. Then a Xeriscape is right down your alley.

With desert style landscaping. Less is often more. The GPL designers use this technique to accentuate your living space, while implementing watersmart designs that save.

From Nature
The designers at Green Planet Landscaping take pointers from our natural desert landscaping and implementing a modern twist. By using desert natural colors and stylishly stained and stamped concrete. We make natural design styles come to life and save water with one swoop.